Learner Qualities: Empathise And Communicate

Learner Qualities: Empathise and Communicate

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Share at least 3 examples of how you have shown empathy recently. Add a photo if you can.
  1. When someone is hurt I use empathy and help them.
  2. When someone has to do a job they don’t want I use empathy and now I know how they are feeling.
  3. When someone makes a mistake I use empathy and now I know what it’s like to be him/her.

Share at least 3 examples of how you have communicated in different ways this term. Add photos if you can.

  1. When we play touch we all communicate so we all know what we are doing.
  2. When i’m on the phone we communicate to each other so we know what’s going on.
  3. When i’m at indoor soccer we all communicate loudly to tell people where to go and what to do.

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